On-site critique procedures for 2022 Fall Conference

To best help your publications grow and thrive, please sign up for a critique in advance and fill out the Google Form to facilitate discussions at the Fall Conference. On-site critiques are limited to newsmagazines, newspapers and news websites. There are two steps to be completed by advisers only. Advisers may sign up for a critique time until each slot has been filled. The critique form (a Google form) ideally should be submitted to us no later than 11:59 p.m., Friday, Sept. 16, 2022. Be prepared to include a link to your publication’s website or a shared Google Drive file for critics to review. (If providing a link to a Google Drive, please make sure the sharing permissions are set so that the document can be viewed without needing special permission).

Step 1: To register for a critique time, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17ZInEMKS7d_JOhfetG4HpAvOCga3sx7T0L7D8avU2lY/edit?usp=sharing

Please sign up for only one available time per publication.

Step 2: To access the Critique Guide, which is a Google form, follow this link: https://forms.gle/e5xndPuUfGqcUnQV8